2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Pregnant and Parenting Students

Kean University recognizes that a welcoming, supportive environment is essential for students to succeed, thrive, and realize their full potential. It is the desire and intent of the University to foster and maintain a welcoming environment for all its students, including pregnant and parenting students who are faced with challenges in addition to those that come with being a student.

Kean University does not discriminate in its education program or activity against any applicant for admission, student, applicant for employment, or employee on the basis of current, potential, or past pregnancy or related conditions as mandated by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX). The University prohibits members of the University community from adopting or implementing any policy, practice, or procedure which treats an applicant for admission, student, applicant for employment, or employee differently on the basis of current, potential, or past parental, family, or marital status. This policy and its pregnancy-related protections apply to all pregnant persons, regardless of gender identity or expression.

For information about Kean's policies or to request assistance, visit the Title IX webpage and the Pregnant and Parenting Students webpage. You can also contact the Title IX Coordinator, Catricia Shaw directly at titleix@kean.edu or (908) 737-5980. The Title IX Coordinator is required to assist you in securing adjustments and leave, when needed. 

Reasonable Modifications:

Students who are pregnant or are experiencing related conditions are entitled to Reasonable Modifications to prevent sex discrimination and ensure equal access to the University’s education program and activity. Any student seeking Reasonable Modifications must contact the Title IX Coordinator to discuss appropriate and available Reasonable Modifications based on their individual needs. Students are encouraged to request Reasonable Modifications as promptly as possible, although retroactive modifications may be available in some circumstances. Reasonable Modifications are voluntary, and a student can accept or decline the offered Reasonable Modifications. Not all Reasonable Modifications are appropriate for all contexts.

 Reasonable Modifications may include:

  • Breaks during class to express breast milk, breastfeed, or attend to health needs associated with pregnancy or related conditions, including eating, drinking, or using the restroom
  • Intermittent absences to attend medical appointments
  • Access to online or homebound education
  • Changes in schedule or course sequence
  • Time extensions for coursework and rescheduling of tests and examinations
  • Allowing a student to sit or stand, or carry or keep water nearby
  • Counseling
  • Changes in physical space or supplies (for example, access to a larger desk or a footrest)
  • Elevator access
  • A larger uniform or other required clothing or equipment
  • Other changes to policies, practices, or procedures determined by the Title IX Coordinator

In situations such as clinical rotations, performances, labs, and group work, the University will work with the student to devise an alternative path to completion, if possible. In progressive curricular and/or cohort-model programs, medically necessary leaves are sufficient cause to permit the student to shift course order, substitute similar courses, or join a subsequent cohort when returning from leave. Students are encouraged to work with their faculty members and the University’s support systems to devise a plan for how to best address the conditions as pregnancy progresses, anticipate the need for leaves, minimize the academic impact of their absence, and get back on track as efficiently and comfortably as possible. The Title IX Coordinator will assist with plan development and implementation as needed.

Temporary Disability:

Students experiencing pregnancy-related conditions that manifest as a temporary disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are eligible for reasonable accommodations just like any other student with a temporary disability. The Title IX Coordinator will consult with the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) to ensure the student receives reasonable accommodations for their disability as required by law. OAS is located in Downs Hall, Suite 122 and can be reached at (908) 737-4910 or via email at accessibilityservices@kean.edu.

Leaves of Absence:

Students are permitted to take a voluntary leave of absence for a reasonable time as deemed medically necessary by their healthcare provider because of pregnancy and/or the birth, adoption, or placement of a child. The leave term may be extended in the case of extenuating circumstances or medical necessity. To the extent possible, the University will take reasonable steps to ensure that students who take a leave of absence or medical leave return to the same position of academic progress that they were in when they took leave, including access to the same or an equivalent course catalog that was in place when the leave began. In order to initiate a leave of absence, the student must contact the Title IX Coordinator at least 30 calendar days prior to the initiation of leave, or as soon as practicable. The Title IX Coordinator will assist the student in completing any necessary paperwork with Student Health Services. Student Health Services can be reached at (908) 737-4880.

Lactation Space Access:

Kean University recognizes the importance of breastfeeding and the health benefits to both mother and child.  As such, Kean University has dedicated clean, private, and comfortable locations for women who wish to express breast milk. These lactation rooms are located in close proximity to restrooms and provide a comfortable chair with a table arm. The lactation rooms are secure and require a key for entry and are accessible to all Kean University students. Please note that the University does not provide refrigeration for expressed milk or a place to keep storage equipment.  Students are encouraged to bring a cooler bag for proper storage of expressed milk. 

New Jersey law ensures equal rights and opportunities for pregnant students in institutions of higher education:

N.J.S.A. 18A:3B-74 et seq. protects the rights of pregnant students. The law:

  • Prohibits an institution of higher education from requiring a student to take a leave of absence, withdraw from an associate, baccalaureate, or graduate program, or limit the student's studies solely due to pregnancy or pregnancy-related issues.
  • Requires an institution of higher education to provide reasonable accommodations to a pregnant student to enable the student to complete coursework and research. Reasonable accommodations to a pregnant student shall include, but need not be limited to, allowances for the student's health and safety, such as allowing the student to maintain a safe distance from hazardous substances, allowing the student to make up tests and assignments that are missed for pregnancy-related reasons, allowing a student to take a leave of absence, and excusing medically-necessary absences.
  • Returns an enrolled student in good academic standing who chooses to take a leave of absence because she is pregnant or has recently given birth to the associate, baccalaureate, or graduate program in good academic standing following a leave period consistent with the policies of the institution of higher education at which the student is enrolled or of up to one academic year, whichever period is longer, subject to the reasonable administrative requirements of the institution, unless there is a medical reason for a longer absence, in which case her standing in the associate, baccalaureate, or graduate program shall be maintained during that period of absence.
  • Returns an enrolled student in good academic standing who is not the birth parent and who chooses to take a leave of absence because of the birth of the student's child to the associate, baccalaureate, or graduate program in good academic standing following a leave period consistent with the policies of the institution of higher education at which the student is enrolled, or of up to one month, whichever period is longer, subject to the reasonable administrative requirements of the institution.
  • Allows a graduate student who chooses to take a leave of absence because she is pregnant or has recently given birth a period consistent with the policies of the institution of higher education in which she is enrolled, or a period of 12 months, whichever period is longer, to prepare for and take preliminary and qualifying examinations. The normative time to degree while in candidacy for a graduate degree for a pregnant graduate student shall be increased in an amount equal to the length of the leave of absence, unless a longer extension is medically necessary.
  • Allows a graduate student who is not the birth parent and who chooses to take a leave of absence because of the birth of the student's child a period consistent with the policies of the institution of higher education at which the student is enrolled, or a period of one month, whichever period is longer, to prepare for and take preliminary and qualifying examinations, and an extension of at least one month toward normative time to degree while in candidacy for a graduate degree, unless a longer period or extension is medically necessary to care for the student's partner or their child.


If you believe that you have experienced an incident(s) of discrimination or harassment based on pregnancy (or pregnancy related conditions or issues), you have the right to file a complaint. If you wish to file a complaint of discrimination, please use this form: Title IX Reporting Form.


Catricia Shaw, Title IX Coordinator

Office of Affirmative Action Programs

East Campus Room 204

