2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Graduation Information

Application for Graduate Degrees

All undergraduate and graduate degree candidates must complete an online graduation application in KeanWISE in order to be considered for graduation. This application is required in order to earn your diploma.

Before applying for graduation, students are encouraged to review the policies and procedures on the graduation page (found on the Office of the Registrar website, under "Graduation Information") dedicated to their current status (undergraduate, second degree, or graduate). Student should communicate with their academic advisor to be sure they're on track to graduate, and that all substitutions, waivers, transfer credits, and extensions are on record.

Awarding of Degrees

Formal commencement exercises are held each year at the close of the spring semester. Diplomas also are available in January and August for students who complete degree requirements during the fall semester or the summer session.

January graduates and May and August candidates will be invited to participate in the formal May commencement ceremony. To participate in the May commencement ceremony, all required coursework must be completed by the end of Summer II session of the same year.

Graduation with Distinction

Graduate students who have completed their degree requirements with a cumulative grade point average of 4.0 and a commendation on their Graduate Comprehensive Exam (when required) are recognized as graduating with distinction.

The grades from all graduate level courses, including those transferred in from another institution and those that appear on an undergraduate transcript, are included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average.

Graduation with Distinction will be recognized through a letter from the Dean of the College and such a notation will appear on the student’s transcript and diploma.