2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Department of Biological Sciences

Laura Lorentzen, Ph.D., Chairperson

Location: C-124, George Hennings Research Science Building, Main Campus

Phone: (908) 737-3661

Email: LLorentz@kean.edu

Degrees Offered:

  • *Biology, B.A.: General Option (also available as a fully online degree program)
  • *Biology, B.A.: Education, Teacher Certification

  • *Biology, B.A.: Education, Teacher of Students with Disabilities

  • Biology, B.S. Forensic Science Option

  • Biology, B.S.: Cell and Molecular Biology Option (also available at Kean Wenzhou)

  • *Biology, B.S.: Health Professions Option with concentrations in: physician's assistant, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech language hearing

  • Forensic Science, B.S.: Biology Option

  • Forensic Science, B.S.: Chemistry Option

  • Health Information Management, B.S. (joint program with Rutgers University)

  • Clinical Lab Science, B.S. (joint program with Rutgers University)

  • Medical Lab Science, B.S. (senior year clinical at hospital partner)

  • Biology Minor

  • Bioinformatics Minor

  • Forensic Science Minor

*Also offered at the Kean Ocean Campus in Toms River, NJ

Content Area Options: 

B.A. in Elementary Education with a content area in Biology.

Additional certification requirements:

Students interested in obtaining a biology teaching certification upon degree conferral (Teacher Certification Option) must submit a separate application. Please visit the Office of Teacher Certification or College of Education for information regarding the requirements specific to the respective certification. 

Admissions Requirements:

Admissions requirements are dependent upon the university. Students can move from intended to declared status in the major when the minimum grade point average is reached for the particular degree option. Of all the degree options, the lowest GPA is 2.0, though several options require a higher GPA.

Start terms:

This program offers admission in any academic term.

Declaration and Graduation Requirements:

A grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is required for the B.A. Biology general option and the B.S. Biology Cell & Molecular option while a 2.5 is required for the B.S. Biology Forensic science option and the B.S. Biology Health professions option. A higher grade point average is required for Clinical Laboratory Science (2.85), and Medical Laboratory Science (2.85) and Health Information Management (2.75) degrees, the Biology Education degree options require a 3.0.

Program Description-all options:

The Biological Sciences Department offers a B.A. Biology degree with three options, (Biology General, Biology Education, Biology Education Teacher of Students with Disabilities), and a B.S. Biology Degree with three options (Cell and Molecular, Health Professions, Forensic Science), A Minor in Biology is also available as well as Minor in Bioinformatics and a Minor in Forensic Science. The choice of whether to pursue a B.A. or B.S. in Biology should be done in consultation with a faculty advisor. The B.S. Medical Lab Science Degree includes a senior year clinical at a hospital partner, Biology also houses two joint programs with Rutgers University where Kean students as freshmen and sophomores pursue either the B.S. Health Information Management or B.S. Clinical Lab Science degree, then proceed to Rutgers to complete the bachelor's degree.

The B.A. Biology degree Options are traditional liberal arts degrees that prepare students for teaching Biology in secondary schools (high school for example) and for life science positions in industry or government.

The B.S. Biology Cell & Molecular Option is a degree program in the biological sciences focused on students looking to pursue advanced graduate or professional research degrees within the areas of biotechnology, molecular biology, biomedical research, microbiology as well as application to medical, veterinary, optometry or pharmacy schools (hence a classical premed degree option).

The B.S Biology Health Professions Option offers science courses required for a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Students choose courses within a select concentration in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physician Assistant or Speech Language Hearing, depending on their profession of interest. Such graduate programs have a unique set of admission requirements and their own particular GPA requirements.

The B.S. Biology Forensic Science Option includes targeted coursework in both the sciences and criminal justice. This degree program prepares its graduates for positions in private and public sector crime labs.

Kean also offers Medical Laboratory Science and Clinical Laboratory Science degrees, as well as a Health Information Management degree program. Clinical Laboratory Scientist (CLS) and Medical Laboratory Scientists (MLS) and Medical Technologists (MTs) are clinical laboratory professionals and members of the health care team who participate in the diagnosis of disease through the use of sophisticated instruments and techniques. CLS and MTs are needed to fill positions in hospitals, clinics and research laboratories in New Jersey and across the country. After three years at Kean students complete the clinical preceptor at one of our affiliate hospital programs: The Valley Hospital School of MLS, Jersey Shore University Hospital’s Florence M. Cook School of MLS, or Monmouth Medical Center School of MLS. Kean has a joint degree with Rutgers University School of Health Professions (SHP). CLS students can apply to Rutgers to complete the clinical preceptor. After completion of the clinical preceptor, students are eligible to take the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) exam for Certification.

Health Information Management (HIM), students pursue a four-year baccalaureate degree program with Kean and Rutgers that is completed in two stages with the first stage completed at Kean University and the second stage to be completed at the Rutgers School of Health Related Professions (SHRP), which is part of Rutgers Biomedical Health Sciences in Newark. In the first stage, students complete general education courses and all pre-professional courses at Kean University. The professional courses in HIM are then completed at Rutgers-SHRP. Prior to the start of the professional phase of the program at Rutgers, students are required to submit a formal application to Rutgers-SHRP Admissions (not Rutgers-Newark) by May 1st immediately preceding the intended Fall Semester enrollment.

Each student majoring in Biology should consult with their biology departmental advisor to select the appropriate degree option, and major electives for their respective interests and goals. For information regarding the Department of Biological Sciences at Kean please visit https://www.kean.edu/academics/programs/biology

For more information regarding curriculum for the various biology degree programs please visit https://www.kean.edu/offices/registrars-office/curriculum-sheets/dorothy-and-george-hennings-college-science-mathematics