2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Repeat and Grade Recalculation Policy

In a commitment to fostering academic growth and facilitating student success, Kean University offers a comprehensive Course Repeat and Grade Recalculation Policy. Effective Fall 2024, this policy aims to provide undergraduate students with opportunities to enhance their academic performance by retaking courses wherein grades of F, D, C, C+, AF, or WD were received.

  1. Course Repeat Guidelines: Undergraduate students may repeat each course once (for a total of two enrollments) where a grade of F, D, C, C+, AF, or WD was applied to improve their grade point average and/or to meet prerequisite requirements. There are no limitations as to the number of courses that may be repeated but students are encouraged to speak with their academic advisor prior to re-registering for a course. Students should also be aware of Kean University’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy to understand how repeated course attempts may impact their funding and how repeated attempts may impact their academic standing.
  2. Eligible Courses: Courses with grades of B- or higher may not be repeated unless specified in official curriculum requirements or needed for graduate school admissions purposes. Graduate-level coursework cannot be repeated or recalculated even if it is completed by an undergraduate student.
  3. Dean's Discretion: The Dean of the college where the student’s major is housed has the authority to approve additional course repeats only under limited, well-documented extenuating circumstances. The Dean will confer with other interested parties (e.g.- the Dean of the college in which the course is housed, Department Chairs or Program Directors, etc.) when necessary to ensure the exception is in the student’s best interest and feasible from an enrollment standpoint.
  4. Recording Grades: When a course is repeated, both the original and subsequent grades are recorded on the permanent record. However, credit for the course is only counted once. The highest grade earned will be the official final grade and will impact the student's cumulative grade point average.
  5. Grade Recalculations: Upon the issuance of a final grade, an automatic process will be initiated that will recalculate the student’s cumulative grade point average based on the highest grade achieved for the course. If the most recent attempt does not result in the highest grade earned, the original grade will remain as the one calculated into the cumulative grade point average. All course attempts will remain on the student’s transcript and cannot be removed. However, the highest course grade is the only one that will be included in the cumulative grade point average.
  6. Inactive Courses: If a course is no longer offered, an equivalent course may exist that could be utilized for repeat and recalculation purposes. If a course is no longer offered and an equivalency has not already been established and recorded via the Office of the Registrar, the course is ineligible for repeating or recalculating.